I am a Aspiring Full Stack Developer and passionate about building scalable and efficient web applications.

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About Me

I'm currently in my second year of pursuing a B.Tech degree, and my passion lies in FULLstack development. I'm a dedicated problem solver with a background in engineering, excelling in effective communication and creative thinking. And I'm currently in the track of MERN stack.

My Skills

HTML 99%
CSS 98.5%
JavaScript 98%
SQL 80%
Java 95%
Monogodb 80%
Python 99%


Employee leave management system

Design a userfriendly desktop application in intellij using JavaFx and mysql for employee to submit their leave request online and for manager to accept or reject their employee leave requests and employee can submit the reason of the leave while requesting a leave

Location Tracker

Developed a mini project using python in pycharm for identifying the location of the user using their mobile number and get the output as the user belong to which country,service provider like Airtel -jio-etc, latitude and longitude of the user location and display the user location on the web browser like chrome,firfox,edge-etc..


Developed a Portfolio using HTML and CSS in VisualStudioCode to display my skills and projects I have done, Languages I have known and so on